We often think of spring as a time of new beginnings. We get itching to clean up, clear out, and start anew with spruced-up surroundings and a fresh outlook. It’s also an ideal time for older adults and their families to consider the benefits of a senior care facility.

While many seniors find the prospect of leaving the familiar a challenge, it’s important for families to discuss the opportunities for new experiences, new friends, better mental and physical well-being, and an easier way of life that is tailored to the unique needs of older adults.

If you’re planning to make a move, here are a few tips to make the transition a positive experience for seniors and their families.

Be Patient

Clearing out a home that has accumulated a lifetime of memories takes time, and rushing the process will only increase everyone’s anxiety. Consider taking a walk-through video of the house and ask seniors to share stories about family heirlooms and travel souvenirs before you start. The video will be a reminder of the home as well as a family keepsake of a life full of adventures.

Set Goals

Set a timeline for room-by-room completion and stick to it. Have boxes or bags for trash, donate, keep, and not sure. It’s also a good idea to start with the least-used room first to make the cleanout less disruptive. Many families hire professional organizers if the process seems too overwhelming. Whatever approach you choose, make sure to stay organized and on task.

Plan the New Space

It’s important to create a space that’s warm, inviting, comfortable and familiar. You can draw out the space on paper or use a computer program to play with possible layouts. This allows you to know what will fit and how much downsizing is necessary. It’s also a great way to get excited about the move and reduce any stress.

Make the Move

Hiring a professional moving company to do the packing and heavy lifting is easier on everyone, especially if you’re transporting breakables or large pieces of furniture. On moving day, be sure to pack a bag that includes important documents, medications and toiletries. And as you unpack and organize, play music, reminisce, laugh, and take frequent snack and drink breaks. Keeping things fun and positive can make all the difference.